
【周报】 第三周周报 正常

杨识澜添加于 2016-08-02 23:00

This week we have completed some tasks mainly on docker and kubernetes.

First of all, we have created oracle11g-installed image and connected with the host successfully.

Moreover, we have spent most of our time learning kubernetes, including its related concepts (like pod, service, replication controller and etc) and its commands (like kubectl).

Finally, we have deployed docker offline on four servers.


Next week we prepare to continue the study of kubernetes, which contains these three aspects:

Firstly, we are going to deploy kubernetes on four servers mentioned before, with a master node on one server and four minion nodes on all servers.

Secondly, we intend to create private registry, upload oracle image on this registry, start-up and connect it via kubernetes and kubernetes service separately.

Thirdly, we will continue learning kubernetes and make intensive study of kubernetes.

  • 4003?1458378099
    李立 8年前


  • 5?1460204756
    尹刚 8年前


  • 5?1460204756
    尹刚 8年前

    Great ! 注意可以不提oracle,因为oracle不是开源软件:)

  • 15722?1481791603
    杨识澜 8年前

    描述 已更新。 (查看差别)

  • 当前状态 新增
  • 选定优先级 正常
  • 指派给 杨识澜
  • 里程碑 --
  • 开始日期 2016-08-02
  • 结束日期
  • 预计工时(H) 0.00 小时
  • 完成度 0%
  • 关联Commit

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