1. Team description Paper
The team description paper can be downloaded at here, with the main contribution of a newly designed three-wheel robot.
2. 5 Papers in recent 5 years
[1] Dai, W., Yu, Q., Xiao, J., & Zheng, Z., Communication-less Cooperation between Soccer Robots. In 2016 RoboCup Symposium, Leipzig, Germany. [PDF]
[2] Xiong, D., Xiao, J., Lu, H., et al, The design of an intelligent soccer-playing robot, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 43(1): 91-102, 2016. [PDF]
[3] Yao, W., Dai, W., Xiao, J., Lu, H., & Zheng, Z. (2015). A Simulation System Based on ROS and Gazebo for RoboCup Middle Size League, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Zhuhai, China. [PDF]
[4] Lu, H., Yu, Q., Xiong, D., Xiao, J., & Zheng, Z. (2015). Object Motion Estimation Based on Hybrid Vision for Soccer Robots in 3D Space. In RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII (pp. 454-465). Springer International Publishing. [PDF]
[5] Lu, H., Li, X., Zhang, H., Hu, M., & Zheng, Z. Robust and Real-time Self-localization Based on Omnidirectional Vision for Soccer Robots. Advanced Robotics, 27(10): 799-811, 2013. [PDF]
3. Results and awards in recent 3 years
4. Qualification video
The qualification video for RoboCup 2017 Nagoya, Japan should be shown below. If it does not appear, it can be found at our youku channel (recommended for users in China) or our youtube channel (recommended for users out of China).
5. Mechanical and Electrical Description and Software Flow Chart
NuBot Team Mechanical and Electrical Description together with a Software Flow Chart can be downloaded here.
6. Contributions to the RoboCup MSL community