访问计数 354466 (自2016年5月)
zhouzhiqian TO  NuBot Research Team | 组织文章
发布时间:06/28/2022 02:09
In the fight against COVID-19, many robots replace human employees in various tasks that involve a risk of infection. Among these tasks, the fundamental problem of navigating robots among crowds, named robot crowd navigation, remains open and challenging. Therefore, we propose HGAT-DRL, a heterogeneous GAT-based deep reinforcement learning algorithm. This algorithm encodes the constrained human-robot-coexisting environment in a heterogeneous graph consisting of four types of nodes. It also constructs an interactive agent-level representation for objects surrounding the robot, and incorporates the kinodynamic constraints from the non-holonomic motion model into the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm achieves a success rate of 92%, at least 6% higher than four baseline algorithms. Furthermore, the hardware experiment on a Fetch robot demonstrates our algorithm's successful and convenient migration to real robots.
( 53.3 MB) 周智千, 07/21/2022 21:59
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