
设备的设计与制造平台致力于推动装备制造业信息化,为用户提供完整的工业仿真环境,提供对产品设计、工艺设计、加工和装配等产品全生命周期各个阶段进行计算仿真的支持。 基于模拟仿真的数字化设计技术可以有效预测产品在真实世界的性能,最优化产品设计,缩短产品研发周期,实现投资的最大价值。除了传统的CAE、CAD环境支持,本平台结合材料科学与工程计算平台的多尺度材料模拟环境更可让用户从底层原材料开始设计产品。 二、建设目标: 1、促进广东省乃至全国工业的信息化水平的提升,推进工业化与信息化的深度融合; 2、 推进跨行业的产业链合作,促进产学研一体化,推动中国制造向高端转型。 三、建设内容: 1、CAD、CAE、CAM等全数字设计、制造软件支撑平台; 2、面向工业的多尺度、多物理材料模拟研发平台; 3、产品全生命周期可靠性设计平台; 4、交互式设计、可视化实验。

发帖时间:2015-04-21 16:45
更新时间:2015-04-21 16:45
HPC enters a solid new discipline: ParaFEM By Lee Margetts, University of Manchester. Scientists use a variety of computational techniques in their research, and many disciplines benefit from access to High Performance Computing (HPC) to solve their grand challenge problems. There are established communities with mature HPC codes in physics, earth science, cosmology and more. Computational chemists recently won the Nobel Prize for their efforts, highlighting the benefits of investing in high quality scientific software for HPC. I believe that computational solid mechanics can now join the HPC club. In computational engineering, the use of regional, national and international HPC facilities is dominated by software for modelling fluids. In a recent NAFEMS World Congress, one presentation reported the use of 200,000 cores to study turbulent flow around aircraft, whilst another on solid mechanics used a multi-core desktop to increase processing speed by four times using only eight cores and two graphics processing units. The flow modelling used the open-source program OpenFOAM, and the solid mechanics example used a well-known commercial application. The juxtaposition of these talks highlighted the difference in capability and the widening gulf between modelling fluids and solids on supercomputers. With support from the Software Sustainability Institute I am working to develop computational solid mechanics for HPC. This is important, because it could lead to positive knock-on effects for UK innovation and GDP in key sectors such as Aerospace, Energy and Transport. Modelling solids has applications in many important and topical areas, such as assessing the environmental impact of fracking, ensuring the safety of nuclear reactors and exploring the manufacturing potential of the wonder material graphene. A few years ago, I initiated the open source ParaFEM project (#ParaFEM), a massively parallel library for finite element analysis that can solve engineering problems with billions of unknowns on tens of thousands of cores. The foundation is an engineering text book, Programming the Finite Element Method, which was first published in the 1980s and is now in its 5th edition. Recent development effort in ParaFEM has concentrated on building a platform for sustainable growth in terms of both usage and developer contributions. The latter is particularly important if ParaFEM is to have functionality on a par with commercial packages. In the autumn of 2013, my colleague Louise Lever and I applied to the Institute’s open call for collaborative projects. We are very pleased that the Institute agreed to help us in three areas and assigned their consultants John Robinson and Steve Crouch to the project. First in our wish list was a quick demonstration installer for desktop Windows platforms. This may seem to be counter-intuitive for software that runs on a supercomputer, but the rationale is that potential users and contributors surfing the web may spend only a minute or two to assess an open-source project. The quick demonstrator allows potential users to interact with the software on their own computer. If they like what they see, they may be more likely to invest in the time required to download the full package and evaluate it on an HPC system. We also asked the Institute to help implement a post-installation test process - a basic but important feature missing from the current distribution. ParaFEM is a library with example programs or “Mini Apps”. The test process will simply check that the programs have been built correctly. Finally, the main aim of our work with the Institute is to find out what we are doing right (or wrong) in managing our open-source project. We view the Institute as an essential partner in helping us achieve our ultimate goal, to turn ParaFEM into the open source solid mechanics equivalent of OpenFOAM.
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发布时间: 2015-04-21 16:45
更新时间:2015-04-21 16:45
export LC_ALL='C'
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【缺陷】 matlab License Manager Error -15 正常
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发布时间: 2015-04-21 16:39
更新时间:2015-04-21 16:40
License checkout failed. License Manager Error -15 MATLAB is unable to connect to the license server. Check that the license manager has been started, and that the MATLAB client machine can communicate with the license server. Troubleshoot this issue by visiting: http://www.mathworks.com/support/lme/R2009b/15
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  • 用户头像
    钟康游 9年前

    参考 http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/98092-why-do-i-receive-license-manager-error-15 保证license server正常运行 $MATLAB_ROOT/etc/lmstart 保证 $MATLAB_ROOT/etc/license.dat 里面的hostname正确 保证 $MATLAB_ROOT/licenses/network.lic与1里面的主机设置一致

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发布时间: 2015-04-21 16:38
更新时间:2015-04-21 16:39
ERROR: In /vol-th/COMMON_software/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.3.1/ParaView-3.12.0/VTK/Rendering/vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 404 vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x157d560): Could not find a decent visual
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  • 用户头像
    钟康游 9年前

    export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=y 参考:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1098568

发帖时间:2015-04-21 16:35
更新时间:2015-04-21 16:35
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  • 用户头像
    钟康游 9年前

【任务】 平台定位 正常
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发布时间: 2015-04-21 16:33
更新时间:2015-04-21 16:33
请康总回答一下“全数字设计与装备制造应用服务平台”平台何为? @kangyou
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发帖时间:2015-04-21 16:29
更新时间:2015-04-21 16:29
本平台致力于推动装备制造业信息化,为用户提供完整的工业仿真环境,提供对产品设计、工艺设计、加工和装配等产品全生命周期各个阶段进行计算仿真的支持。基于模拟仿真的数字化设计技术可以有效预测产品在真实世界的性能,最优化产品设计,缩短产品研发周期,实现投资的最大价值。除了传统的CAE、CAD环境支持,本平台结合材料科学平台的多尺度材料模拟环境更可让用户从底层原材料开始设计产品。天河2号强大的计算能力为复杂系统的高可靠性仿真提供了强力的保障,支撑用户在“工业4.0”时代保持核心竞争力。 本平台除了提供软、硬件资源,也具备专业的技术支持团队,为用户解决工程问题提供整套的技术解决方案。我中心与广东省工业研究院以及广船、广汽等行业龙头企业联合组建了数字制造协同创新中心,与广州市光机电研究所等单位联合组建3D打印云制造创新服务平台,为中国制造业提供超级计算仿真支持,推动产业转型升级。 本平台目前已经适配了商业软件Ansys(Fluent、CFX、ls-dyna、mechanical、polyflow)和LS-DYNA,部署了OpenFOAM等开源软件。本平台上已经支撑了诸如商用大飞机、高铁气动设计等大工程项目的仿真计算。
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